5 examples of digital transformation after the pandemic

5 examples of digital transformation after the pandemic

5 examples of digital transformation after the pandemic

5 examples of digital transformation after the pandemic 0 0 Mobile App Development Company

In March of this year, the world came to a standstill and millions of businesses were blocked. Only those who had carried out their digital transformation managed to continue working.

Here we bring you five examples of how companies have managed to adapt to the new reality.

If the current situation has shown something, it is that the size of your company does not matter. If you are not prepared to operate through the online channel, it will be doomed to disappear.

The technology today allows you to perform a digital transformation of any business. Obviously, this change entails a reformulation of the entire corporate structure. However, each change opens the door to new opportunities.

5 examples of digitization of traditional businesses

It is logical that this new reality is received with suspicion. The substantial changes that have made us consider our reality. A shoe manufacturer does not have to see clearly its digital transformation. However, you can delegate this approach to experts who can advise you.

That’s what this article is about today. We want to show you some real examples of how traditional businesses were able to adapt to continue existing.

Digitization of the rural environment

Businesses located in rural settings are often disconnected from technology. There are many types: farmers who sell to restaurants, farmers who supply food professionals … With the arrival of the pandemic, this sector was left without its main customers overnight. Thus, they were forced to change their audience and address the end customer.

A farmer does not have a physical store, does not have a distribution chain, and faces multiple obstacles to reach this consumer. The digitization that we have worked on has allowed them to create a solution to connect with the consumer and thus be able to continue selling their product.

Digitization of schools

Another big hit in terms of traditional sectors has been face-to-face training. Schools, academies, colleges, and universities have had to adapt.

E-learning platforms have existed for a long time. Despite this, many of these businesses continued to rely on face-to-face training as a differential model.

Faced with the pandemic, they were forced to close their doors in the middle of the course. In order to continue offering their services, they had no choice but to provide the training via videoconference.

Today there are free and paid platforms to teach telematics classes. However, training requires more value and for this, it requires more complex solutions.

Digitization of gyms

Gyms are undoubtedly another example of a business paralyzed by social distancing. Monitors, centers, and personal trainers were unable to teach their classes.

The digital transformation of companies such as gyms is a reality. Nowadays applications and solutions can be developed to offer distance training services.

Phones and tablets offer technology that can be leveraged to add value to training. Some functionalities such as exercise monitoring or geolocation are to innovate in a traditional sector thanks to digitization.

Food digitization

Something similar to the rural environment has happened in the food industry. Apart from the large supermarket chains, many factories supplying the hotel and catering sector, restaurants, or even hotels and tourism, were faced with the reality of the massive loss of orders and customers.

The digitization of the food sector is allowing many companies to survive. Not only today but in the face of possible new sprouts. They are also discovering new growth opportunities thanks to the opening of new business lines and clients.

Digitization of the retail

Finally, another of the great fronts during confinement and the new normal is that of neighborhood stores, proximity businesses, and retail, accustomed to surviving thanks to the transit of people in front of their stores.

The digitization of retail allows many businesses to show their products and sell them through the online channel. The digital transformation of these businesses is much more than an online store, it involves customer service, shipping logistics, marketing, and relationships with all consumers.

Today technology allows almost any business to adapt to new digital realities. These changes may seem difficult to implement but, led by quality and knowledgeable app developers, they can open up endless new opportunities for traditional businesses.

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